Tuesday, December 11, 2012

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

My sister has a theory that a person's favorite season is the one they were born in. She's a September baby and fall is her favorite. I'm a December baby and winter is my favorite. So maybe there's something to it. 

One of the floats at our annual Snowflake Parade.
My holiday season always seems to start with the Snowflake Parade, a tradition for 28 years in Klamath Falls. You can call me Master Parade Planner - okay not really. It's the floats that make it awesome but I take a small amount of credit.

While most folks are watching the pretty floats go by, I'm down at lineup keeping everyone in ...well, line. For the days leading up to the parade, I'm stressing over the lineup - is it interesting, does it flow, did I keep the horses away from sirens and bands away from eachother, and and and.
In the end, it turned out beautifully. Magically. 100 floats paraded down Main Street, lit up with twinkling Christmas lights, playing Christmas music, and happy faces smiling down from trailers, busses, and more.

After that, it's time to decorate the house. Of course, the tree is the first place to start. For the record, in my entire life, I've bought a tree three times. First, the year Marc was 8 months old and I couldn't figure out where to cut one in Albuquerque. Second, the year we lived in Houston. The only trees to have were ones you bought from a lot and EVERY tree was flocked! Third, last year when my house had huge vaulted ceilings and I wanted the biggest tree I've ever had in my life. While all those trees were gorgeous, well rounded specimens, I prefer the trek through the woods to find a perfectly imperfect tree. 

This year, we headed out on Sunday with my good friend Valeria to cut down a beauty. The weather here is unseasonably warm so I was happily surprised when we did find a bit of snow. It took less than 5 minutes for the boys to choose their tree and about that long for Marc to saw it down. 

Marcus cuts our Christmas tree.
Marc carries out our Christmas tree

Posing with this year's beauty
It was fun to go out with a group of people and enjoy a snowball fight and the company of great people. 

Then we came back to the house and got it all decorated up.
Looks beautiful doesn't it?

Next up, it's time to decorate the house. I'll do that this week in the evenings...pictures to follow.

Until then, warm yourself with a cup of cocoa, cuddle up with your loved ones, and watch a Christmas movie. Or play some Christmas music. Or bake. Just do something with the people you love and enjoy the season.

Merry Christmas!

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