Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend on a Budget - Spring Creek and the Hatchery

I love the first part of summer! Everything in our area is still green, it's not too hot, and the heat is refreshing after a cold winter/spring. This weekend was the perfect reminder of everything I love about summer.

I was on a mission to be relaxed this weekend. Friday night, we all sat around and watched a movie together:

  •  Warm Bodies - a different zombie movie than the most. My review? Pretty good but really only if you watch Zombie movies to catch all the references. Unfortunately I think Nate was pretty bored. 
  • Identify Thief - Much better than I expected. I laughed a lot (exactly what I needed). Melissa McCarthy cracks me up (loved her when she hosted SNL last time) and she delivered this time too. I was a little surprised by how crude she was. But if you're up for a laugh, I think it's worth watching. 
Saturday, we sat around doing nothing. Yep, that's pretty much it. Watched tv, cleaned house, boring stuff. I loved it but by Sunday I was ready to get out. 

The View from the Klamath Hatchery
So we headed north to the Klamath Hatchery. I'm surprised that as fishing crazy as my sons are, that I haven't taken them here before. It was beautifully set in amongst a ton of trees. 

Marc and Nate feed the fish

The boys were thrilled with how many trout there were and how big they are. For 25 cents, you can get a handful of food to feed the fish. They had several concrete stations for the "little" fish and then some viewing areas for the "HUGE" fish. Marc was wishing it was open for fishing.

They have bat houses too (don't worry - we didn't actually see any bats). But as we walked past the shed and I realized what it said, I pointed it out to Marc (see below). He jumped about a mile high (I think you can see him jumping out of the way in this photo haha).

We left there and went to Spring Creek, just past Collier Logging Museum. We didn't actually visit the logging museum this time so we'll save that review for another day.

Spring Creek however is absolutely breathtaking. The water is so perfectly clear, there were very few people, the day use had many many benches and picnic tables, and it was very clean. We didn't catch a darn thing but Marc sure tried.
Marcus fishes Spring Creek
 The water is so clear and so blue at this point in the river.
Spring Creek 
Spring Creek from the bridge
 Nate wasn't in the mood to fish so he decided to swim. I tried explaining it would be freezing (it's a spring after all and not a "hot" one) but this boy lives to swim so he jumped in. Notice his little body tense as he hurries to get out!
Nate takes a dip in Spring Creek
 Then it was back to our house. Nate loves riding his bike so he spent the evening riding his bike and we took the dog for a walk. Is there anything that says summer more than kids out in the street on their bikes?

A great start to summer. My weekend on a budget total - $2.25 (if you don't count gas). We went about 40 miles total. I filled up our water bottles and took snacks from home. The $2.25 was for fish food. A great way to spend a Sunday!

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